Bank - Guild Bank Module
Guild Bank Module
What is it?
- The Guild Bank Module allows guild members to deposit money into a shared guild vault and withdraw funds, effectively creating a common guild bank.
- The guild leader can set which ranks have permission to withdraw money from the guild bank.
- The names of members who deposit or withdraw money from the guild bank are visible.
- PlaceholderAPI support.
Player Commands
/guildbank deposit <amount>
- Deposits a specified amount of money into the guild bank./guildbank withdraw <amount>
- Withdraws a specified amount of money from the guild bank./guildbank rank <rank>
- Allows the guild leader to set the rank required to withdraw money from the guild bank.
Admin Commands
/adminguild deletebank <name>
- Deletes the bank of a specified guild./adminguild showbalance <name>
- Views the total bank balance of a specified guild.
- Displays the balance of the guild bank for the player’s affiliated guild.