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RGuilds - Advanced Guild Plugin

  • Add a unique twist to your server by giving players the chance to create their own guilds!


  • Fully customizable settings and messages.
  • Set a fee for creating a guild:
    • Supports Vault, PlayerPoints, or even free options.
  • PlaceholderAPI Support:
    • Includes a wide variety of placeholders within the plugin!
  • Guild Ranking System:
    • Three ranks available within a guild: Leader, Moderator, and Member.
  • Cross Server Support:
    • Fully supports multi-server setups with Redis!
    • Players can invite each other, send messages across servers, and more.
  • Module Support:
    • Optional (paid or free) modules available within the plugin.
  • GUI Support:
    • Many aspects of the plugin are integrated with GUI interfaces.
    • Offer your players a visually appealing and user-friendly experience.
    • Supports custom-model-data!
  • Storage:
    • Supports both SQLite and MySQL.
  • Guild Name Change:
    • Supports Turkish characters and spaces.
    • Automatically blocks special characters and punctuation marks.
  • Guild PvP System:
    • Members can engage in PvP within the guild if the leader permits it.
  • Guild War System:
    • Guild leaders can declare war on each other, and players can see which guilds are enemies.
  • Guild Level System:
    • Includes a leveling and XP system within the guild. Unlimited levels can be set.
    • You can customize how many points are awarded for killing any entity or player.
    • Set member limits for each level.
  • Guild Banner System:
    • Guild leaders can choose a banner for their guild, which enemies can see.
  • Discord Webhook Support:
    • Send a Discord webhook when a guild war is started or ended.
  • Participation with code
    • The guild leader can create a code for his guild and allow players to join with this code.
  • Customizable Moderator powers
    • The guild leader can authorize the guild moderators as they wish (invitation, pvp, war, etc.)

GUI design preview

Preview Video


  • RozsLib - A mandatory library required for the plugin to function!
  • Vault - The main plugin for economy (optional).
  • PlaceholderAPI - Required for RozsLib and the placeholder system within the plugin.


Player Commands

/guild create <name> - Creates a guild.
/guild accept <player> - Joins the guild of the player who sent the invite.
/guild invite <player> - Sends an invite to a player.
/guild leave - Leaves the current guild.
/guild kick <player> - Kicks a player from the guild.
/guild message <message> - Sends a message to all guild members.
/guild rename <name> - Updates the guild’s name.
/guild war start/end <name> - Starts or ends a war with another guild.
/guildwar banner - Sets the held banner as the guild’s banner. /guildwar join <code> - Join a guild with the specified code.

Admin Commands

/adminclaim delete <guildname> - Deletes a guild.
/adminclaim show <guildname> - Displays guild information.
/adminclaim forceleave <player> - Forces a player to leave their guild.
/adminclaim list - Displays a list of all guilds.
/adminclaim level set <level> <guild> - Sets the level of a guild.
/adminguild exp give <amount> <guild> - Gives XP to a guild.
/adminguild exp take <amount> <guild> - Takes XP from a guild.


rguilds.admin - Basic admin permission.
rguilds.admin.delete - Required to delete a guild. - Required to view guild information.
rguilds.admin.forceleave - Required to force a player out of a guild.
rguilds.admin.list - Required to view the list of guilds.
rguilds.admin.level - Required for guild level commands.
rguilds.admin.exp - Required for guild XP commands.


%rguilds_formatted_name% - Guild name (colored and starred)
%rguilds_unformatted_name% - Guild name (colored and unstarred)
%rguilds_formatted_name_no_color% - Guild name (no color, but starred)
%rguilds_unformatted_name_no_color% - Guild name (no color, no stars)
%rguilds_kill_count% - Guild kill count
%rguilds_level% - Guild level display name
%rguilds_xp% - Guild experience points
%rguilds_next_xp% - Experience points needed for the next level
%rguilds_next_level_unformatted% - Unformatted next level name
%rguilds_next_level_formatted% - Display name for the next level
%rguilds_top_xp_<number>_<name/point>% - Guilds ranked by XP
%rguilds_top_kill_<number>_<name/point>% - Guilds ranked by kills
%rguilds_kill_count_<guild>% - Shows a guild’s kill count
%rguilds_xp_<guild>% - Shows a guild’s experience points
%rguilds_level_<guild>% - Shows the display name of a guild’s level
%rguilds_level_unformatted_<guild>% - Shows the unformatted name of a guild’s level